Tuesday, September 23, 2008


a brand new list of dislikes:

Staying home while every1 else seems to have stuff to do.

find my bank statement nearing its death

thought of starting coachin again , gone freedom

sp feeling

mummy objects to cubs

sansan still not toilet trained

listening to soulmate and relistening

eating maggie

the untidy me and my belongings

the shivers with hugs

Saturday, September 20, 2008


the club is packed.
When the midnight bell rang, it was fun.
pop ups of many familiar faces,
Some entirely same from last week.
As the time passes, it bores,
The music was wierd fast then slow,
Alcohol. insufficient.
music so loud but i cant feel the rythm
The same song yet entirely different.
as the clock ticks i look forward to
4 in the morning where the lights on
and ends.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

wordy encounter.

Well i've learnt lots of long new words like this:
symbolic interactionism
Kinna killer to know all of them.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

seafood Retreat

Warning: Beware of temptations!

we had all this food for an amazing food for $15 per person. Can u resist it!!!

Or Chian
Blackpepper Crayfish
Samba Stingrays
( we ordered smaller piece still so big)
Crispy butter crayfish
lucious ChillisTofuSamba Potato leavesStill give me the drools!
You see it, Now u dun... BURPPPP...A dragonfruit drink to end the meal!Satisfied look! HaHaLast but not least, This poor tittle stray puppy really caught my attention. Its super cute and friendly but sadly his right hand seem factured for quite some time. Well lucky thing was he was well loved by some eaters as they gave him food but an inury like that for a puppy isin't bright for his future. His brothers n sisters were nt as cute, well it explains why he was the fattest among them.

I LOVE SEAFOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Precious Hour

Its Like 10p.m and Phuture is FULL, damn sad so we had a few choices: Zouk, MOS or doubleO. ha jen ask jm n Rs to decide which they both chose doubleO. The next thing she did was ask me, u wan zouk right and haha there we were in Zouk. (Obviously her choice too ha) Ok well we decided to waste time until abt 3 where they will let us enter Phuture.

I think Jen seriously attracts Indians, her forfeits always ends up dancing with them. AND worst of all i think she got me along this time. The photo seem like we quarrelled, HaHa.
Rs had to take a photo with an indian heh, but the funny thing is we cant really see his face.
When we finally got into phuture it was like WHOOOO!!! Entirely changed.. So we had slightly less then 1 hour of Shiokness!!

cookie Monster!

Heh Celebrating JianMing's bday, well a little more like ours. Got him this lovely Cookie monster cupcake, With a sparkling candle.

Gone =( hahah